Don’t let me die with my music within my soul- she whispers

This text was written after a deep & beautiful session with my coach some months ago. I am forever grateful I let my SELF guide me here. That I was connected enough with my inner voice to trust this magical, intutive flow. Releasing...word after word. Let it all out. Enjoy & please share as much as possible. As we all have locked down somewhere deep fears, doubts shuting down the whispers of our inner goddess.
January 13, 2020

Don’t let me die with my music within my soul- she whispers

It’s a dark place over here. You locked me away. I guess my passion for life triggers your ego driven fears.

They seem to haunt you.

Freeze the hell out of you.

I feel you.

I AM you.

But please, hear me out.

It’s cold here inside. It’s dark. I am dying and I know that you are watching.

With anger, guilt, shame.

And crumbles of tenderness.

Bitterness. But hope. Yet, I am you.

And I feel your passion.

Your fuego.

Your burning core.

Waiting to be unleashed.

Out of this cage.

Pulled raw and pure into the world.

Take me out. Barefoot please.

Let me dance.

Laugh. Coz right now, just as Lauren would say You are killing me softly. But surely.

I feel it in my veins. The pulsations of my latin blood. I need to release it. Somewhere. Somehow. Otherwise I will go crazy. Or wild. Or both.

Believe me when I tell you that I am suffocating right now. Promise that you will at least try. You must feel it too.

The saudade rising  through our heart & soul when we are hearing Fado and feeling Flamenco. You know exactly what I mean.

You can’t deny your roots my dear.

Our roots.

You locked me deep down inside of you. Or maybe it was our ego. Doesn’t matter.

What matters is that I need to break free.

Spread my wings. They are not broken.

Maybe you hoped that I would never wake up. But darling, I was never sleeping.

I felt everything. All of it.

The sorrow.

The pain.

The tears when you were down on your knees.

Begging for guidance.

And relief.Trying to silence to hear our intuition.

The wise She. She, who knows. She, who always knew and will know forever. We are all in this, beautiful.

You are SO afraid to feel our body that you choose to shut down. Not always. But way too often.

The emotions.

The love. The love is the heartbeat of the soul, honey. Never forget that.

I am begging you.

I need to feel my feet on the ground.

I need to root.

I need to nourish us.

You keep feeding our mind, yet you diminish the value of of soul and body. Only when we all are aligned are we whole.

We need this connection between us.

You crave the connections on the outside but are lost when it comes to wander inwards.

Tough, there the magic happens.

There, and only there, will we find our answers.

I need to move.

To express all of me with my body.

I want to go wild.

To show our man how much of woman is hidden in us. How much sexuality is running through our veins. How sensual sex should be if only you could surrender a little but more and let me sometimes lead the way.

Trust me.

Hear me out.

There is so much more to explore.

To enjoy. To awaken.

Of course there will be love making and soul shaking (May En Vogue be blessed!)

Be silly. Too often you silence our inner child. Thinking that being an adult is such an important journey.

Putting the mind on a podest.

Worshipping it.

Forgetting that YOU are the goddess.

Not the ego.

Not the thoughts.

Invoke Aphrodite, Pele and Freya. Let them light the path up.

There is no shame in being lost sometimes. They will remind you where the fire burns. They will show you that ashes are precious and that you never really died.

Let me dance.

Create and expand.

Share all the hidden vibes.

Melt down in the hottest rhythms.

Surrender to the ebbs & flows of my being.

Rise & shine.

Unfold. More and more.

I am infinite.

I am all the love, the life & passion you are rejecting for some reasons.

Hear me out.

Let me pulsate through you.

Let the explosion happen.

It will transform you.

Open new doors.

Shut down all those not serving anymore.

Escape the maze. Inhale the blaze.

Soak it in. Deep deep deep. And deeper.

The grail is holy. But you will never ever find it outside of you.

You must allow your Self to feel it all.

Uncover all the layers.

Let them fade away.

And bring you back to life.

Just as you gave life. Through your womb.

You gave birth to a girl you are guiding into womanhood. She may be your greatest trigger, but surely is the most powerful master & light.

In doubt, she will always ground you. Make you remember that you have all of this wilderness in YOU. Watching her tiny nude body, her curious heart & cheerful face brings you back to what really matters.

Life. Right.NOW.

Running barefoot in nature, playing without thinking, loving without judging. Motherhood never happens without a reason.

You were not buried alive.

You were planting new seeds.

Fertilising your soil.

Epic journey just around the corner Mama.

You are meant to bloom.

To flourish.

Life gifts you beautiful reminders. Take them as a sign.

Unlock the door.

Come in.

Look into my eyes.

Grab my hands.

Free me of those painful chains you put around me.

Show some mercy.

Trust me.

For I am your inner voice.

Your wildest dream.

Your boldest vision.

For I am all you always were and ever wished to be.

I am YOU.

Welcome home.